We all had a great time in dogs only (plus Cats Protection) paradise at Dick Whites Referrals. With the posh loos, sunshine, copious water bowls (Taffy tried each one out, stopping at every stall) and dripping ice-creams, everyone had something to smile about.
We ran the “Have-a-Go” Novice and Advanced Agility arenas (the scurry was admirably done by others) and raised a grand total of £65 split between DWR’s supported charity and our own supported charity Good Causes so thanks once again to all the helpers and participants who together made it such a great day. We even had some agility experts, including a judge, to show us how its done!
Congratulations to our club members who won rosettes in the dog show:
- Ready and waiting for the rush
- Composed & ready for a starring role in the dog show
- Walking steady, waiting for the music to stop
- Going strong waiting for the music to stop
- Exit Ruby Ahhh
- Quick, where’s the nearest mat?
- Hurry up Millie, the mat is this way
- ‘Not sure I want to do any more’
- Otto meeting royalty (DW’s dog)
- Hard at work catching biscuits
- What is Jan demonstrating?
- And she’s still demonstrating! If only we new what!
- Sleeping off a hard day